1-978-392-8990 | craig@bostonprnetwork.com | info@bostonprnetwork.com
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The difference between advertising and public relations is that advertising is "me" talking about "me".

PR is the science of letting others talk about "me". That's why PR is more impactful and believable.

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Craig Kevghas
Boston PR Network

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The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.

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George Bernard Shaw




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PR is not about your boss seeing your company on TV. It's about your buyers seeing your company on the web.

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David Meerman Scott




Contact us

Please call or email us with any questions, issues or concerns regarding graphic arts communications and the graphic arts industry. Here's to a great day!--LEELA and CRAIG

Craig Kevghas
Managing Partner
Boston PR Network
Westford, MA
T: 978-392-8990
C: 978-618-8990
E: craig@bostonprnetwork.com

Leela Moore
Senior Partner
Boston PR Network
Niskayuna, NY
T: 518-441-7000
E: LeelaMoore@gmail.com

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